The Bond Solon Difference
Bond Solon provides training, support and guidance on a global basis for anyone facing the prospect of being cross-examined or questioned in any type of legal forum, regulatory hearing, meeting or interview. Giving evidence can be a daunting experience and should a witness not perform well, then the consequences can be far-reaching.
For over 30 years Bond Solon has provided witnesses with essential support and guidance prior to giving evidence. Our services are designed for both factual and expert witnesses, whether they have given evidence numerous times or are giving evidence for the first time.
We believe no witness should be disadvantaged by not understanding the process, or be taken by surprise when they give evidence. Our training sessions address these potential pitfalls head-on, equipping witnesses with the understanding, skills and confidence needed so that they can navigate the process successfully, helping mitigate risk and achieve the best possible outcome.
It is seen as important to provide support to all our staff who are facing giving evidence in forthcoming litigation. We have utilised Bond Solon’s Witness Familiarisation service to provide this support and the feedback from those who have benefited from the training has been extremely positive.
Legal Department
Top 100 We work with the Top 100 UK and international law firms
250,000+ Since our inception in 1990, we have worked with over 250,000 witnesses
2,224 Witness Familiarisation sessions delivered last year
A selection of our clients
About us
Bond Solon is the UK’s largest independent provider of Witness Familiarisation. We have been ranked in every edition of the Chambers Litigation Support Guide for Witness Familiarisation and Expert Witness Training.
Since 1992 our product has been developed and refined to help witnesses get their evidence across to the best of their ability.
Our large pool of lawyers – stemming from all practice areas and with extensive experience of preparing witnesses for testimony – have worked with over 250,000 witnesses to help build their confidence and enhance their ability to give evidence that will stand up under cross-examination.
The benefits of the training we provide is evidenced by the high percentage of repeat users of the service. Our clients include top 100 UK law firms, international legal practices, corporates, and central and local government agencies. Whilst based in London, our training assignments take us all over the world, working with witnesses of all different nationalities and backgrounds.
Witness Familiarisation is vital to ensure witnesses know what to expect at a hearing so they can give their evidence effectively.
Three Verulam Buildings
What we do
Giving evidence can be a daunting, unfamiliar and uncomfortable experience. Most witnesses have never seen the inside of a courtroom, yet they can be required to attend a hearing and be cross-examined without always understanding fully what is required of them. They need to know how to prepare and how to give clear, helpful and honest testimony.
Our training provides witnesses with a comprehensive understanding of the theory, practice and procedure of giving evidence, and what is expected of them throughout the hearing stage of a case.