Train Empower Perform

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Award-winning training solutions

For over 30 years we have worked with a broad range of professionals whose roles and responsibilities require them to operate within relevant legislation, regulations, guidance and to industry specific national occupational standards.

We design and deliver an extensive range of training courses, qualifications, resources and insights across a number of core sectors and markets.

Click on your area of interest for further details. 

23,000 + Trained professionals in the last year

4,130 Training courses delivered last year

200+ Different courses available

The UK’s premier support partner for expert witnesses.

We provide training, information, tools, resources and networking opportunities, all of which are designed to enable our customers to carry out their work compliantly, effectively and to operate successful expert witness practices.

Support and guidance for anyone facing the prospect of being cross-examined or questioned

Bond Solon offers a Witness Familiarisation service designed to prepare individuals who may need to give evidence in court, inquiries, or tribunals. The service aims to help individuals understand the process, therefore reduce anxiety, and improve overall performance as a witness. It's important to note that their service does not coach witnesses on what to say, but rather it provides them with the understanding of what to expect and how to handle situations and environment that can be highly pressurised and stressful.

Carry out investigations to best practice standard

Our training and services are designed to equip professionals with the skills needed to conduct effective investigations. We work with different sectors including healthcare, local government, housing, finance, commercial and more. 

We want to ensure that investigations are conducted lawfully, fairly, and reach reliable outcomes. 

Health and Social Care:

Specialist training for Health and Social Care professionals

Our courses are designed to equip those professionals with the skills and knowledge to carry out their frontline duties to best practice, and to ensure they can meet their legal and safeguarding responsibilities.

Unparalleled experience in all aspects of HR and Development

Whether you are an HR professional looking to develop your knowledge of international employment law or a learning and development professional seeking bespoke skills training for the wider organisation, we can help you.

Complaints Handling and Investigations:

Carry out investigations to best practice standard

Complaints handling in organisations is now regarded as a key quality metric, with regulators in many sectors formally evaluating it against benchmark standards. Organisations should be moving towards an open culture that welcome complaints as a way of improving service delivery and therefore increasing customer confidence in their organisation.

Emergency Planning:

Respond effectively to emergencies and crises

Courses cover a broad range of topics including emergency planning, business continuity, crisis management, and risk assessment. The training is designed to comply with the UK's Civil Contingencies Act and other relevant legislation.