Professional Award in Complaints Handling and Investigations - CHIA

Awarded by The International Compliance Association (ICA) in association with The University of Manchester Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS).

The qualification is made up of the following one-day courses:

Why Should You Undertake this Qualification?

For any organisation it is essential that the handling of a complaint, any subsequent investigation and the reporting of findings and recommendations are carried out professionally and to best practice standards. Often staff tasked with undertaking a complaints investigation on behalf of their organisation have had little or no formal recognised training in this area.

Our Complaints Handling Qualification Will:

  • Allow you do demonstrate that you have the knowledge and procedures to ensure you can competently carry out complaints investigations to best practice standards
  • Enhance existing competencies and skills
  • Help create a standardised approach across your organisation which will improve service delivery
  • Enable you to review your current complaints handling procedure and identify improvements

Need more information?

If you require any help or would like to discuss how Bond Solon can assist you in your training needs, please call us on: +44 (0)20 7549 2549 or email

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"I am always surprised and in admiration of how Bond Solon bring together such a diverse group of professionals and manage to make the entire day useful and relevant. Many thanks."

Dr Sharon Pope

Clinical Psychologist

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"Particularly useful were the opportunities to review real cases and get constructive feedback from the trainer. I will have no hesitation to recommend Bond Solon to anyone who should ask in the future."

Christine Webb

Modern Matron, Rotherham Doncaster & South Humber NHS, Foundation Trusty

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"I attended Bond Solon Excellence in Report Writing and Courtroom Skills training and having recently given evidence in the High Court I would recommend the training to all those who provide written and oral evidence in a professional capacity. The trainer was excellent and the skills learnt were invaluable when being cross-examined.

Dr Jane Hood

Consultant Paediatric, Neuropsychologist