Course Outline:
Designed for safeguarding leads with operational accountability for safeguarding children and adults.
The course explores the safety and governance of an organisation, including culture, ethos and the principles underpinning safeguarding, to ensure it is core business. The focus is on making safeguarding personal and person-centred for all children, adults and staff.
We will also look at the impact COVID-19 had on safeguarding and its effects in a post-pandemic world.
Consideration is given to the statutory duties and responsibilities of the NHS as a public authority in public law, the importance of human and equality rights plus the duties and responsibilities for safeguarding both children and adults within the Care Act 2014, the Children Acts 1989 & 2004 and any other relevant legislation.
The course explores best practice in relation to record keeping and defendable decision making and the impact of poor outcomes for children and adults as a result of inadequate safeguarding and poor practice around records and record keeping.
The day will conclude with the exploration of the Coroner’s Court.
Key Learning Outcomes:
- Understand and explain organisational and individual accountability for safeguarding children and adults
- Demonstrate enhanced legal literacy around relevant legal frameworks to support and drive safeguarding strategy
- Examine the importance of effective multi-agency working and relevant duties and responsibilities under legislation
- Identify ‘best practice’ in record keeping and decision making
- Examine the consequences of inadequate safeguarding children and adults especially around poor records, record keeping and reporting
- Explain the role of the witness in the court system, relevant to safeguarding children and adults, with a focus on the Coroner’s Court
Course Details:
- Duration: 2 days
- Public course format and fee: Virtual | £595 + VAT
- In-house course format and fee: Virtual or face-to-face | Call for details
Book below if you want to attend a public course. Please call 020 7549 2549 or email info@bondsolon.com to discuss or book an in-house course.