Dealing with Whistleblowers

Course Outline:

Employers have increasingly been taking proactive steps to encourage employees to raise any concerns they may have about any workplace issues. It is essential that they those who deal with whistleblowing concerns are trained on how to recognise and respond to these complaints.

A whistleblower may raise concerns anonymously, or they may ask for their identity to be kept confidential. The course is structured to enable learners to manage whistleblowers in accordance with current international legislation, guidance and recognised best practice.

The course focuses on understanding policy and procedure, practical skills for managing whistleblowers, and hands-on practical sessions.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • What is whistleblowing?
  • Law, policy, and best practice guidance on whistleblowing
  • Confidentiality – When does it apply?
  • What is vulnerability?
  • Dealing with initial reports and assessing whistleblowers
  • Safety and security of meeting whistleblowers
  • Debriefing to obtain maximum information from a whistleblower
  • Managing risk and compromised whistleblowers

Course Details:

  • Duration: 2 days
  • In-house course format and fee: Face-to-face or Virtual | Call for details

Book below if you want to attend a public course. Please call 020 7549 2549 or email to discuss or book an in-house course.

Public Course Dates