MCA and MHA Interface

Course Outline:

This course explores this overlap regulated by the provisions of Schedule 1A of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, with a focus on both the relevant statutes, statutory codes of practice and case law to enable practitioners to decide when to use each procedure to authorise a deprivation of liberty in day-to-day practice.

The course also discusses circumstance under which mental capacity assessments must be performed in psychiatric hospitals, as well as when and how an application for a Standard DoLS Authorisation, or an application to the Court of Protection, should be sought prior to discharge from a Mental Health Act section.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the interface/overlap between the Mental Health Act 1983, DoLS and s16 Mental Capacity Act
  • Use their knowledge of the relevant legislation to decide when to use each procedure to authorise a deprivation of liberty, both in hospital and in the community
  • Appraise a series of complex case studies designed to embed learning
  • Plan and conduct a mental capacity assessment in a psychiatric setting which is both lawful and anti-discriminatory
  • Chair a best interest meeting in a psychiatric setting which is both lawful and anti-discriminatory

Course Details:

  • Duration and CPD: 1 day | 6 hours
  • In-house course format and fee: Virtual or face-to-face | Call for details

Please call 020 7549 2549 or email to discuss or book an in-house course.