Course Outline:
A growing number of professionals now assist in preparing cases for court, or appear in courts and tribunals taking the role of the advocate - questioning witnesses and making speeches at the hearing. This can be a daunting responsibility: cases can be won or lost on the basis of the advocacy.
This Advocacy Training course will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out this role, and will give you a greater understanding of how cases must be prepared.
Key Learning Outcomes:
- Identifying the relevant law, issues, facts, evidence and case theory
- Preparing to present a case
- Procedures and practices at hearings
- Making effective use of documents and oral evidence
- Questioning techniques in examination-in-chief and cross-examination
- Opening and closing speeches
- Content, structure, delivery and persuasion
- Role-play and feedback to improve skills
Course Details:
- Duration: 2 days
- Public course format and fee: Virtual | £590 + VAT
- In-house course format and fee: Virtual or face-to-face | Call for details
- Qualification: Part of the Advanced Certificate in Investigative Practice (APCIP)
Book below if you want to attend a public course. Please call 020 7549 2549 or email info@bondsolon.com to discuss or book an in-house course.